Friday, October 27, 2006

Selfless Plug

The third Megaphone Piggy reading will be taking place on November 4th starting around 8:00 P.M., I'm not entirely sure where it's going to be held though. I'll get back to everyone with the address in a timely fashion. The goal is to spread the word about Megaphone Piggy since we've started accepting submissions for the Fall 06 issue. Actually, we'll be putting together short fiction and poetry issues, so send either or both in for consideration. You can either e-mail me with your submissions, or send it directly to

If you'd like copies of our past issues (MP 1 and MP 2) shoot me a word and I'll see that you get it. We've also got copies of The Emergence of Nannah U. Fosster by Nannah U. Fosster, the first chapbook out under the Megaphone Piggy Press "label," so shoot me a word about that one too.

Also, if you're interested in reading on the 4th let me know; we're always hoping for more folks to join in.

So keep the date in mind.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

bear mace

get out of my raceboat
and Jack said this very well

and very creamy
brain property contraction now

pleasure pleasure bixbee

the population spurts
get made b/c
I ate
the princess

batthezar head off

lullenfield sell this to the nuns & mike

federal orfix

pieces of constellations
shot at elephants

propertymonious very far away

chandeliers are

my eyelids are
mouthing off
in the camera

eating plastic forks
b/c the king
is dead now