Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Wuncapunathyme der vas a gurl by the name of Ray "chill" Smurf, who often (more often) wundered if she ver a boy. Herr friends (what few der ver) accented this unfortunate confucius (cept for some, who, being boys themselves, told others she vas a gurl). To this day, we don't no. Way to way (and either way) Chill Smurf wrote on occasion, and shopped on others. Herr ribs (lightly smoked and kuverd in orig. bbq sauce) measured ruffly 34" uhround and kept herr 'gans and such in order. She used to keep binder klips clipped to herr shirt, untill she found no more use for dem, and stopped abruptly one Toozday after noon. Wunc she met a man celling fossils in de street (ov which she bought two in order to tell time better). Another thyme, she met a Thim, of whom Chill circled Linkoln, bedazzled by bedazzling xmas lites. Writing in ariel font got Chill S. nothang but mintie-frosh gigi breadth and 21 yen (a vive!) to spend in Brekzvill (ov vich she has little change but age). Herr reesee kup (which, when hungry, she'd (saul) bellow: "giveme mah reese kup-a!") wuz never to be found again, lost in Richyard V'z pink belly. In Owgust Chill wuz called Quillz incorrectly by a boy wrinkling thyme on a skullbus. By sophomore cards, she drew a drew wunc, but quikly placed him back in the deck and mailed it off to Francz, where the card she drew enjoyed the natural habitat recluse with other nasal fatt-lippd Frank O'Philz (oddly enouff of Scotchish descent). All Dis havin bean salad, I leave you as I found you, only sum thyme later.

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