Monday, February 13, 2006

Feels just like starting over . . .

I've decided that this blog will no longer host senseless rants and half-baked ideas. Considering I'm a poetry person I've decided to utilize this space to expose my writing to all of you lovely people. I'll be posting a lot these next few days in order to play catch up with some pieces that I'd like to have feedback on.

Here's where I insert a disclaimer (for my own benefit):

I don't consider any of these poems finished, that is, they're all works in progress. I hope that you'll keep that in mind when reading them and providing feedback. Occasionally I'll post revisions and whatnot. Just . . . remember that none of them are done.

What I'd really like this space to become is a place for me to post what I'm working on and get some feedback from people. Like I said in my last post, I'd really love to to get some audio reading of my work so you can hear how I picture it being read and how it sounds to me. I think this space could be so, so wonderful and helpful and I'm really looking forward to establishing something. Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, etc. I really want to know what people are thinking.

For whatever reason I haven't been able to figure out a way to manipulate the paragraph breaks in this blog place. Most of my pieces have staggered indentations and sharp paragraph breaks that I'm unable to reproduce here. If you should ever want to see how the format really looks let me know and I'll e-mail it to you in Word.

All this having been said, enjoy the new format and what I've got to offer!

1 comment:

Angie said...

If blogger uses regular html, you'll have to program the indentation yourself by using (&nb sp) without the space and the parenthesis. That'll give you one blank space, so you'll have to continuously fiddle with it until you get it to the length you desire. It's a bitch, but it keeps the integrity of pieces.

Likewise, for paragraph breaks, you might need to use (< br >< br >) without the spaces and the parenthesis as before. One will drop your line to the next, and two will break it into a paragraph. (Assuming this uses html, but I'm pretty positive it should work.)

And you're in luck because blogger (blogspot, whatever) uses audioblogger (.com) and lets people record things on their phone (for free!) to update to their site. You have everything you need to have in order to get one. I don't have anything on my blogger because I've just been using the audioblogger. The only annoying thing is the touch-tone at the end, and sometimes phone calls will cut you off, but otherwise it's fantastic (and did I mention free?) and easy.

PS: Hi!