Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Teen Angst

I know I said that this blog would only contain my poetry, but this is so fantastic and delicious that I can't possibly deny you the joy of reading it without feeling guilt. I found Teen Angst: a celebration of REALLY BAD poetry in a bookstore in New York this past weekend. (Check out the website. Be sure to take note of the advice at the bottom of the page telling you that "most poems are funnier when read aloud.) What makes the poetry so funny is that *sigh* I wrote really bad teenage poetry (I know, I know, hard to believe) and I can relate. Enjoy this nugget entitled To Kurt Cobain:

To Kurt Cobain
April 12, 1994

Why Suicide?
Someone else should have died
Did you think ahead?
Did you know teh impacts of your being dead?
You're selfish and dead
because you put a bullet to your head
In our hearts you will remain
But my feelings for you will never be the same
Our questions unanswered
The answers are gone
Never to be asked
Never to understand
Uncomprehendible note you left behind
You said you loved us - how so?
It's a shame - a rotten shame
It's done and over
Move on - show's over
Peace, Love, Empathy?


defjef from the far left said...
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defjef from the far left said...

its the last line that makes it